Thoughts on the making of The 11:11 Project;
Musician and composer of music for 11:11 and JUDYEA project which I started working on several months ago as I continued writing and recording songs, I would keep coming up with in my small home recording studio and then my good friend and lyricist Mike Raushi started really liking what he was hearing coming for the bedroom and one of my songs I recorded Mike really loved the riff and asked me could he take a crack at writing some lyrics for it which became the song "Shut Up! Voices in my Head''. This started an awesome music journey of composing music to lyrics he started writing then my girlfriend Judy a singer and lyricist for her project "JUDYEA" was another music project that spawned from these tunes I was creating and then one day I was introduced to Anthony Albanese from The ZUGU Project and from that day forward created an amazing relationship of myself writing composing music and then Anthony engineering and producing the music and things just began to take off quickly and that is where we are now on this site thanks to the opportunity offered by Anthony and he loved the music and was glad to be part of it! As things progressed I then asked a good musician friend Jimmy Katone drummer recording artist for "Hit The Ground Runnin' KATONE if he would like to record live drum tracks for these projects and he gladly said yes, he has been a Godsend on coming on board with these songs for these two projects! I then asked another musician friend Joe Riley, Musician Recording artist RSTE AMG SONY, Jackson Endorsed guitarist also featured in Guitar World magazine several times to record some solo work for me and he gladly obliged to do it as well along with a few other musicians that said yes to me as well! All I can say is GOD definitely has had his hands in this whole deal since day one I feel very blessed!
Marky Z.
C O M I N G S O O N !
T H E 1 1 : 1 1 P R O J E C T
Mike comes from Delaware County, Pennsylvania known as DELCO. He’s a drummer and has played in several bands in his younger years for about 25 years since graduating high school back in 1993. He says it is always a lot of fun playing hardcore punk rock music because it's fast and high energy like driving down the highway while sitting behind a drum kit! MarkyZ needed a place to stay since he had to get out of the city so he posted on Facebook looking for a place to rent out and stay and Mike had known him for a very long time and he could count on MarkyZ, so he gave him a bedroom to stay in.
So one day as he set up a small recording home studio in his room where Mike heard him playing one of his songs he was writing on the guitar and asked if that song he was working on had any lyrics to it yet MarkyZ replied with no so Mike asked if he could write some lyrics. Mike was always told it best to write what you know and the funniest part for him is knowing what to write about. He always loved poetry and Jim Morrison from The Doors opened my eyes to that world for sure! So he wrote lyrics for a song he called Shut Up! Voices in my Head and gave it to MarkyZ (The Mad Scientist) he would call him and he loved what Mike wrote! I would then overwrite lyrics and then he would arrange them to fit the music he would compose and it worked out great!
A few days later he tells me that he was introduced to Anthony Albanese from his Mental Illness Awareness project called the ZUGU project as Anthony also suffers from mental illness as well and talked about putting the song on a compilation CD for awareness in support of people with mental illnesses so it's really funny how things seemed to work out. So together we really hope and pray this song will help heal and open your eyes to the people out there suffering with these mental illness afflictions in their lives. Mike really prays that this song reduces the stigmatism of people who suffer from these different types of mental illnesses.
Mike Raushi
Jimmy Katone
Joe Riley
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Thoughts on the song "Shut Up! Voices in my Head"
This is a song that MarkyZ and Mike wrote in support of people with mental illness.
The lyrics are to help encourage people to never give up on themselves and that it is OK to not feel OK. Some days are better than others if you must let out cries, cry it out and scream and shout if you have to. These feelings are feelings and thoughts and with each bright new day there is always fresh hope so long as we are still alive! If you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but you never quit always keep marching forward as a soldier. We are not alone in this illness that afflicts us so there is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about because there are a lot of famous people throughout history who suffered with mental illnesses that have made great contributions to mankind from Beethoven and Vincent Van Gogh to many others!
The second thing is for people to also try to imagine what it must be like when you come across a person with mental illness. I can say from my own experiences that there have been many times I felt alone, scared, and paranoid with high panic attacks that caused me to feel hopelessness and left in despair almost as if you felt like you're possessed by the devil himself! We asked that people without these illnesses please don't make fun of us when we have an episode in public because Mike has seen it happen countless times in my life. Just be kind and maybe give a few dollars if you can spare it to a homeless man or woman because they could be in that situation unmedicated and hungry due to their state of mental illness. A little kindness goes a long way for people that are down and out so in conclusion I would like to say if you or someone you know has a mental illness and needs help you can call the national helpline 988 keep the faith and keep praying to God he does listen and he will answer your prayers so don't give up because Jesus does care Amen!
Release Date: TBA
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